Sundays at Middlesbrough Community Church are when the whole church family gets together to worship God, pray together, learn from the Bible and encourage one another. We’re all on a journey of discovering what it means to follow Jesus day-to-day.
If you are a visitor we would love to meet you so please introduce yourself to one of our Host Team or any of the Core Leadership Team

Morning Meetings
Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!
PSALM 34:3
Our lively Sunday morning meetings run from 10.30am to 12.15pm, after which tea and coffee is served.
Usually the meeting will consist of worship, prayer, Church Family notices and a talk. There will be opportunities for people to receive prayer. Each month we also share in breaking of bread.
Prayer Meeting
Our Sunday mornings actually start prior to our service when we gather to pray & listen to God in the Baby Room from 9.45am. This time often sets the spiritual atmosphere for our Sunday mornings and is open to all.

Our Youth (Age 10-17 or School Years 6-11) move to their own space upstairs from around 11.15am to hang out, explore the bible and chat about topics that relate to them.
(And don't worry... there's always snacks 🍿🍬🍫🍩)

MCC Kids
MCC Kids is a weekly Sunday space where our children are able to learn about God in a fun and interactive way.
After worshipping together, our primary aged children gather together from around 11am for songs and games in their groups:
Little Explorers (Age 3-5yrs)
Adventurers (Age 5-7yrs)
Voyagers (Age 7-10yrs)

Babies & Toddlers
For the littlest members of the Church Family we have two spaces available for use during the service:
The Baby Room
This is a dedicated space for parents/carers and their babies. There are changing facilities and plenty of space to entertain your child while keeping connected to the meeting via video link.
The Toddler Room
This room has loads of toys, books and activities for the little ones to be entertained, as well as a video link so parents/carers can still be connected to what’s going on in the meeting.
Evening Prayer
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
ROMANS 12:12
Every Sunday evening, the Church Family is invited to gather together at 7.30pm to pray and intercede for our community, region and wider...
Most weeks we gather on Zoom and occasionally in the building. The Zoom link is shared via the weekly email. To sign up to MCC emails, click here.