About Us
Who We Are
Middlesbrough Community Church is a lively vibrant church, based in the centre of Middlesbrough, UK.
We have a heart to see the people of Middlesbrough saved and the town transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Network
We are part of Taking Ground, a group of churches based in the North of England.
Martin Dunkley leads the Apostolic Team who provides input and support. MCC Leaders meet regularly with leaders and churches from across Taking Ground.
You can find out more about Taking Ground at
Taking Ground run a number of initiatives including:

What We Believe
We are members of the Evangelical Alliance and are committed to their Evangelical Alliance statement of Faith; shared by the majority of Evangelical Christians worldwide.
Vision & Values
Our Church Vision is
As a Church Family, our vision serves to remind us that everything we do should be about loving God and loving people. These two statements drive everything we are and do.
Our values set out what we as a Church Family believe and what is important to us; they have shaped what we look like today.
Jesus at the Centre
A people who know and love Jesus. We recognise that He is the Cornerstone of our faith and the Rock on which the Church is built. We believe He was crucified for our sins and rose from the dead to give us new life. As a people we acknowledge that He is Saviour, Lord and God and that His name is the only name by which men can be saved.
People of the Book
We believe that all scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. We believe that we should conduct our lives by scriptural principles and that we hear Jesus through scripture by the Holy Spirit. We look to be a people who know the Bible well and who make frequent use of this very precious gift from God.
A Kingdom People
We want to be a people who extend Jesus’ rule and reign and follow His practices and principles. We want to bring the Kingdom into being by following Him. By doing so we believe His Kingdom affects the hearts and minds of individuals and every other area of life.
An Ephesians 4 People
A people who receive gladly from Jesus the gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. We see the purpose of these gifts as equipping God’s people for the mission He has called them to and the strengthening of the Church.
A People of the Spirit
A people who believe in the power, presence and person of the Holy Spirit. We believe He is the third person of the Trinity who works with the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ, to bring all things under the Lordship of Christ. We believe in the gifts that He gives to grow and mature the Church and we believe that He bears fruit in people’s lives which causes them to become more Christ-like.
People are Important
We understand that Jesus came to serve people and that in serving them, He sacrificed Himself. We recognise that we are to have the same attitude as Jesus. We want to be a people who serve the needs of others, showing them the importance Jesus placed on people.
A Missional People
A people who understand that the gospel message is for the whole world and that the great commission is for the whole Church. Together in a variety of creative ways we aim to proclaim Christ in every aspect of our culture.
Leadership Team
Core Leadership Team
Our Church Family is led by a team of Elders and Leaders that form our Core Leadership Team.
This team, led by our Senior Leader, Miles Banner, set the vision and direction for MCC.
As well as pastoral and leadership responsibilities, the team also serve and lead in many areas across the life of the Church Family.

Miles Banner
Senior Leader & Elder

Sue Jones
Core Leader

Chris Pearson
Core Leader & Elder

Laura Young
Core Leader

Caroline Banner
Core Leader

Helen Jones
Core Leader

Beth Pearson
Core Leader

Jamie Jones
Core Leader & Elder

Jonny Munby
Core Leader & Elder

Ross Young
Core Leader
Our Deacons take responsibility for specific areas across the life of the church.

Steve Jackson
Deacon - Pastoral

Margaret Jackson
Deacon - Pastoral

Andrew Walker
Deacon -
Chair of Trustees
MCC is a registered charity and so, like all UK charities, we have a fantastic team of Trustees who oversee our finances and ensure that all the legal bits we need to do are done. Our Trustee's Meetings are chaired by Andrew Walker and details of this governance can be found here.
Our Home
As a Church Family we are blessed to have our home at The St Aidan's Centre in central Middlesbrough. This building is the base for our Sunday Services and much of our community activity, including our Foodbank.

Our History
Middlesbrough Community Church started life in the 1970s when three different groups of Christians felt drawn to worship together. Having grown too big for meeting in their homes, they initially moved into Saltersgill Baptist Church building and then went on to rent St Aidan's Church and later became known as St Aidan's Community Church.
The growth of the Church Family was supported by Connections UK and with them we developed as a congregation and widened our vision to effectively serve the town.
In 2006, we changed the church name to Middlesbrough Community Church in order to reflect our belief that God was calling us to stretch out right across Middlesbrough, joining Salt & Light UK the following year.